The efficiency of AI and Analytics for solving high-impact business problems

Highly efficient projects, developed with Aquarela Analytics’ methodology, agility and expertise.

Aquarela Quickwin - IA e Analytics

Optimize your company's data infrastructure with the best market and academic practices, reducing costs and ensuring greater security for your databases.

Through our own Data Culture Methodology (DCM) and unique Artificial Intelligence algorithms, our team of experts works together with your company to deliver real solutions for different businesses and industries, from retail to aerospace.

Pragmatic approach

Tailor-made projects with A.I.

Short-term real solutions

Aquarela Quickwin

In certain cases, some companies need agile, short-term solutions. That’s why we’ve developed a pragmatic approach that offers real solutions to high-impact business problems, capable of delivering in a short period of time.

Within our customized solutions Aquarela Quickwin approach makes it possible to deliver solutions in a period of 2 to 5 months, showing effective results and referrals already in the first development cycle.

Results and benefits

Better use of data.

Capacidade de realizar análises e decisões inteligentes.

Ability to make intelligent analyses and decisions.

Agile and precise digital transformation.

Short-term high return on investment (ROI).

Facilidade para implantação de tecnologias

Practical application of Industry 4.0 concepts.

Get to know the DCM methodology

DCM (Data Culture Methodology) is our exclusive methodology to help companies develop a data-driven culture. It focuses on evaluating and proposing strategic changes that drive this transformation.

Based on more than a decade of experience in AI and Analytics projects, combined with Agile Methodologies, Design Thinking, Lean and Growth Hacking, DCM maps and suggests improvements to achieve more impactful results in the digital transformation.

Let's talk about how to optimize your company with Artificial Intelligence?

Talk to our experts. 

Let’s find out together how AI can revolutionize your company.

The efficiency of AI and Analytics for solving high-impact business problems

Highly efficient projects, developed with Aquarela Analytics’ methodology, agility and expertise.

Aquarela Quickwin - IA e Analytics

Optimize your company's data infrastructure with the best market and academic practices, reducing costs and ensuring greater security for your databases.

security for your databases. Through our own Data Culture Methodology (DCM) and unique Artificial Intelligence algorithms, our team of experts works together with your company to deliver real solutions for different businesses and industries, from retail to aerospace.

Pragmatic approach

Tailor-made projects with A.I.

Short-term real solutions

Aquarela Quickwin

In certain cases, some companies need agile, short-term solutions. That’s why we’ve developed a pragmatic approach that offers real solutions to high-impact business problems, capable of delivering in a short period of time.

Within our customized solutions Aquarela Quickwin approach makes it possible to deliver solutions in a period of 2 to 5 months, showing effective results and referrals already in the first development cycle.

Results and benefits

Better use of data.

Capacidade de realizar análises e decisões inteligentes.

Ability to make intelligent analyses and decisions.

Agile and precise digital transformation.

Short-term high return on investment (ROI).

Facilidade para implantação de tecnologias

Practical application of Industry 4.0 concepts.

Get to know the DCM methodology

DCM (Data Culture Methodology) is our exclusive methodology to help companies develop a data-driven culture. It focuses on evaluating and proposing strategic changes that drive this transformation.

Based on more than a decade of experience in AI and Analytics projects, combined with Agile Methodologies, Design Thinking, Lean and Growth Hacking, DCM maps and suggests improvements to achieve more impactful results in the digital transformation.

Let's talk about how to optimize your company with Artificial Intelligence?

Talk to our experts. 

Let’s find out together how AI can revolutionize your company.